Support Us
Get Involved
Whether restoring the preserve's wetlands or maintaining its trails, there are many ways to contribute your talents—even as a prospective member of our Board of Directors (we're all volunteers!). There are many ways you can support the Valles Caldera National Preserve!
The preserve is a national treasure worth protecting, but it needs your help. Our
trail maintenance activities, past restoration projects, and special events depend upon volunteer participation for their success. Our ecological restoration work alone relied heavily on volunteer engagement and contributed to over 5,000 volunteer hours from 2006 through 2018.
One of our core values is to engage the community as we support the preserve because the Valles Caldera is a land shared by us all. We very much hope that you'll join us in helping to restore and protect this beautiful land.

Become a Los Amigos Member
Members are our core group of supporters united in their commitment to restoring and protecting Valles Caldera's natural beauty and unique heritage. Our basic yearly membership fee is $35 for individuals, $50 for families, and $35 for senior families, and our lifetime membership is $1,000. You can also support Los Amigos by making a donation. All contributions to Los Amigos, including memberships, are tax-deductible.
Planned Giving
Support Los Amigos with a donation of stock, or through planned future gifts by
becoming a Valles Caldera Obsidian Guild Member. Making a gift to Los Amigos in your will or estate plan is a way to give back and permanently protect the trails, air, water and ecosystems of our beautiful preserve and your public lands. Your planned gift — no matter how large or small — will endure and benefit
future generations. All contributions to Los Amigos are tax-deductible.

Limited-Edition Print
Join Los Amigos as a lifetime member or Obsidian Guild Member and receive a free numbered and signed lithorgraphic print of Valles Caldera's Bond Cabin by well-known artist Gary Morton.
As a Cooperating Association and non-profit education partner of the National Park Service, Los Amigos de Valles Caldera runs the Valle Grande Bookstore and develops products, services, and programs that enrich the visitor experience. Since 2016 Los Amigos has worked to connect visitors to the preserve in meaningful ways to create advocates who want to preserve and protect this special place for everyone, for all time.
Visit our bookstore locations at the Entrance Station and the Ranger Station in the historic district. The bookstore has a range of books, maps, educational games, posters, clothing, and other items related to Valles Caldera National Preserve and the Jemez Mountains available for retail sale. These products complement the interpretive themes you experience when visiting the preserve. Only credit cards are accepted for purchase; no cash or check. Proceeds from all sales go directly to support educational, interpretive, conservation, research, planning, improvement projects and programs, and for the benefit of the Valles Caldera National Preserve.
​For Bookstore questions please email:

Laura Regele, Bookstore Manager
Entrance Station

Ranger Station
Let's Support Valles Caldera's Present and Future
Here are some ways you can donate or join: